As Dorothy and the others reached the end of the Yellow Brick Road, they came over a hill and saw an amazing sight: a city that stretched as far as they could see, with a chaotic-looking mass of buildings, each one of them a little different from the others. All sorts of strange-looking cars and flying machines moved all about the place, driven by people, dogs, elephants, and many creatures Dorothy couldn't even begin to try to give a name to.

A sign on the side of the road announced:

      |                     |
      |     Welcome to      |
      |                     |
      |   Everything City   |
      |                     |
      |                     |
      |  population:        |
      |  536,000 nodes      |
      |  and still growing  |
      |                     |
               |   |
               |   |

"What a strange place!" Dorothy exclaimed. "It looks like anything and everything ever imagined is here!"

Part of The Nodeshell World Fiction Project