user since
Sat Sep 16 2000 at 03:23:39 (24.5 years ago )
last seen
Wed Oct 28 2009 at 23:15:40 (15.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
192 - View Trina's writeups (feed)
level / experience
11 (Literatus) / 7219
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
To node all the sexual dysfunctions in the ENTIRE WORLD. Mwuhahahahahaha!
Caring, being late, and being sorry.
most recent writeup
June 22, 2003
Send private message to Trina

Trina is on sabatical.

If you want to contact me, I'm at

I wish you would...



Everything2 is an online place I come when I want to be entertained, taught, amused, touched or angered and the reasons it can fulfil any and all of these desires are multiple: a huge number of people post to Everything2, so the selection of reading material is hugely varied; the many Gods and Editors all have personal agendae, leading to vastly differing ideas and styles being showcased and encouraged; the many readers (as distinct from their identies as posters) have differing ideas about what will make Everything into a vital, viable, exciting place to visit, and act on these opinions by making use of the voting system... the results of these reasons make Everything2 into what it is - a vast dictionary /encyclopaedia /stream-of-society's-consciousness /amateur and professional poetry and fiction repository /how-to manual /relationship advisory /sex manual /anecdote store /joke book /thesaurus /cook book /guide to life / biography list /lyrics list /survivors' story book / study of the human condition.

*takes a deep breath*

Hello :)

I'm Trina. I live in an outer eastern suburb of Melbourne.

I'm a mother, and a lover, and a daughter - and I try to not let any of these things interfere with any other.

I'm also a member of the Dreamy Girlies E2 clique...

You can mail me on

Augusta was my mentee - Go and read anything she's written, because she is so good.

GrouchyOldMan didn't really need any mentoring, but he pretends he did to make me feel all lovely.

Trina, kickass node. And yu should know that you have the graceness and factgirl SEALS OF APPROVAL, too! I played literati with them earlier, and you are unanimously loved. Mitzi, Catbox, March 1st, 2003
Rant: If Robert Jordan still had any fans after Winter's Heart, I'm sure he must have managed to scare the rest off with Crossroads of Twilight. If this is not the worst fantasy book in the entirety of human history, I have lost my faith in this species.

Here's a new thing...
(Lists generated Mon Nov 3 08:00:35 2003 GMT, as of June 22, 2003 writeup, by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)

5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
2C! I want you inside me 1
3C! How to make love to a victim of sexual assault 2
2C! Making someone feel loved 3
2C! Yesterday I learned how to kiss (tied) 4
2C! How to make love to a virgin (tied) 4

5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 hook turn
2 (tied) Stranger in the House 1C!
2 (tied) Wobbly Walk 1C!
2 (tied) Ruskin Park Primary School 1C!
2 (tied) Trap: The End
2 (tied) Damian Cowell 1C!

5 Highest Goodness Writeups
1C! congenital absence of the vagina (tied) 1
1C! erectile dysfunction (tied) 1
1C! retrograde ejaculation (tied) 1
3C! frenulum breve (tied) 1
1C! Normal and pathological vaginal discharge (tied) 1
1C! anorgasmia (tied) 1
1C! retroverted uterus (tied) 1
2C! Phimosis (tied) 1
1C! postage stamp (tied) 1
2C! Organum (tied) 1
2C! Bobby Vee (tied) 1
1C! pancreatitis (tied) 1
1C! zill (tied) 1
1C! Healsville Sanctuary (tied) 1
1C! Hairy Lemon (tied) 1
1C! It's Hard Enough (tied) 1
1C! Werribee Open Range Zoo (tied) 1
1C! Playschool (tied) 1

5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 October 21, 2000 1C!
2 I'm No Angel 1C!
3 First kiss 1C!
4 Still I save the moon for you 2C!
5 Cover songs which are indistinguishable from the originals 1C!

5 Most Reputable Writeups
2C! Making someone feel loved 1
3C! How to make love to a victim of sexual assault 2
2C! I want you inside me 3
7C! The Seriously Red Dress 4
2C! How to make love to a virgin 5

5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 October 21, 2000 1C!
2 (tied) I'm No Angel 1C!
2 (tied) Cover songs which are indistinguishable from the originals 1C!
2 (tied) Stormy Love 1C!
2 (tied) Kiosk

(Lists generated Sat Mar 1 04:40:55 2003 GMT, as of No Transfusion writeup, by the Homenode List Generator. Goodness is the percentage of votes that are upvotes.)

5 Most Voted-Upon Writeups
2C! I want you inside me 1
3C! How to make love to a victim of sexual assault 2
2C! Making someone feel loved 3
1C! The twelve words of power 4
2C! Yesterday I learned how to kiss 5

5 Least Voted-Upon Writeups
1 It Won't Be Long
2 (tied) Hold Me Tight 1C!
2 (tied) Not A Second Time 1C!
2 (tied) I Wanna Be Your Man
2 (tied) Dizzy Miss Lizzy 1C!
2 (tied) Stranger in the House 1C!
2 (tied) Rubber Ball 1C!
2 (tied) Run to Him 1C!

5 Highest Goodness Writeups
1C! congenital absence of the vagina (tied) 1
1C! erectile dysfunction (tied) 1
1C! retrograde ejaculation (tied) 1
1C! Normal and pathological vaginal discharge (tied) 1
1C! anorgasmia (tied) 1
1C! retroverted uterus (tied) 1
2C! frenulum breve (tied) 1
2C! Phimosis (tied) 1
2C! Organum (tied) 1
1C! postage stamp (tied) 1
1C! How to receive email in Outlook Express (tied) 1
1C! Hemangiosarcoma (tied) 1
2C! Bobby Vee (tied) 1
1C! pancreatitis (tied) 1
1C! Xenical (tied) 1
1C! zill (tied) 1
1C! Assassin's Apprentice (tied) 1
1C! dyspareunia (tied) 1
1C! Healsville Sanctuary (tied) 1
1C! Hairy Lemon (tied) 1
1C! bloke (tied) 1
1C! Birds of Prey flight presentation (tied) 1
1C! RDA (tied) 1
1C! Playschool (tied) 1
1C! Werribee Open Range Zoo (tied) 1
1C! It's Hard Enough (tied) 1
1C! Stranger in the House (tied) 1

5 Lowest Goodness Writeups
1 Devil In Her Heart 1C!
2 Little Child 1C!
3 Please Mister Postman 1C!
4 A Young Fellow Named Bliss 1C!
5 Still I save the moon for you 1C!

5 Most Reputable Writeups
2C! Making someone feel loved 1
3C! How to make love to a victim of sexual assault 2
7C! The Seriously Red Dress 3
2C! I want you inside me (tied) 4
2C! Yesterday I learned how to kiss (tied) 4
2C! How to make love to a virgin (tied) 4

5 Least Reputable Writeups
1 Devil In Her Heart 1C!
2 (tied) Little Child 1C!
2 (tied) Please Mister Postman 1C!
4 (tied) A Young Fellow Named Bliss 1C!
4 (tied) Money (That's What I Want)
4 (tied) It Won't Be Long

Because I'm interested in people enjoying their sexual lives to the fullest, I write a lot about The Things That Can Go Wrong With Sex. However, I'm always running out of ideas and looking for ones that haven't been done over and over.

If you can think of any sexual dysfunctions I haven't covered, I'd be rapt if you'd let me know

Sometimes people say things in the chatterbox that I, for some reason, want to keep. Here are the ones I have given in to.

How do condoms encourage sex anyway? Do they sit on a table in front of you and wiggle and whisper, "Go on get naked and jiggy" -- blowdart, Chatterbox, 21 November, 2000

There was a young noder named Trina Whose noding skills didn't demean her but the titles were wrong as we knew all along And ever since no-one has seen her -- JerboaKolinowski, Chatterbox, 23 April, 2001

sch, you didn't specify user poems. In general, poems by people who think they are poets and are incorrect are not worth sharing, while poems by people who believe themselves (incorrectly) to not be poets are the interesting ones. -- Pseudo_Intellectual, Chatterbox, 4 May, 2001 -- Footprints, Chatterbox, 30 September, 2002

> Reasearch is for those that want to accomplish something. Just eat your Nabisco Kraft Ford Hour Starbucks Cookies and watch another episode of America Marries Anna Nichol Smith to the Osbourne's Joe Millionaire Survivor Idol.
Roninspoon, Chatterbox, 23 April, 2003

SMS spam is the most evil of evil spammy spam because when it goes 'beep beep' you think "Ooooh someone likes me!" and then no, no-one likes you.

Here are the write-ups that changed my E2 Levels.

Solitude after Love made me an Initiate on September 16th, 2000 (don't bother looking for it - It's gone now)

The First Dollar I Ever Made made me a Novice on October 15th, 2000

I'm no angel made me an Acolyte on December 12th, 2000

lust made me a Scribe on May 20th, 2001... But then someone nuked something so I am back to L3 for now :(

And Some Tips on Vaginal Fisting, for Beginners put me back there again on May 27th, 2001.

We went on a roll in October 2002. That made me a level six noder.

Things I have written which I especially like

A Perfect Day
Flowers are a strange gift
My Lover Sleeps
What soap really is
Why IRC is better than Real Life On Having a 'Regular'

Version: 0.1.2
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That's all there is about me. The rest is just bookmarks, and I'm never quite sure how I choose them...
