Resident Manager
I am the one that rises with the sun at the crack of dawn. Messy haired and groggy eyed, grumpy till the coffee pot gurgles. I am inhuman. I am the drone that wanders the hallways picking up your junk, while listening to your conversations. I know your lies, your secrets and everything in between. I take your money, and I give it to the man.
I tell you where to go, and how to get there. I tell you where to sign. I tell you what you can, and can not do. No, you can not smoke here. Put that out. Quiet down, your being to loud and I'm trying to sleep. We are all trying to sleep. We have to work in the morning.
You complain that it's broke. I tell you that it will be fixed. You stop complaining.
I take your money and I give it to the man. He drives a fancy car. I take your money and I give it to the man. He wears a tailored suit. I take your money and I give it to the man. He wears a Rolex watch.
I tell you that your lease is due. I tell you that this year there is an increase in what you have to pay. I tell you where to sign.
You sign. You wonder why your money's gone. I take your money and I give it to the man.
I have nothing to show for it all. Neither do you. I work for the man. As do you.
I am the Resident Manager.
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