Netymology: From Apps to Zombies: A Linguistic Celebration of the Digital World is a book by Tom Chatfield, first published in 2013. I ordered a copy of the 2016 edition today, online of course.

"Netymology is a romp through the lexicon of the interwebs, with 100 short and snappy entries all focusing on one or two words, their meaning, etymology, origins and changing usage."
-- Lauren Gawne

A portmanteau of internet and etymology and as far as I can determine, was indeed coined by Tom Chatfield for the title of his book. As of now and with this writing, netymology is also a term used to describe the history of words and phrases originating in digital social media, or those that specifically reference such as pertain to the internet and/or its protocols, as well as associated technology.

an entry for Brevity Quest 2024
and wertperch's nodeshell challenge
150 words, inclusive

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