Near Matches
Ignore Exact
my name on someone else's body
Two Golden Rules of Being a Woman
I want a first kiss
People are not my personal playthings
The tattoo phenomenon
True love happens
The body is a playground
I tattooed your name on my eyelids
That's just my broken parts coming through the surface
Love should not be routine habitual bliss
My heart is a still and my blood is whiskey. Take a shot of me beneath the moon.
Even though I sleep terribly with another body in the bed
she wants to kill and break hearts
unrequited love
When you whisper to a dog, sometimes it whispers back
To better imagine the limits of the dried-up Martian sea, little Tatiana found it helpful to shape in her mind a great sinuous contour binding each sad, stranded boat to its neighbor
You nature lover / you country punk / you bowl me over / I'm not that drunk
Virginity, my loss of
Love is a dangerous angel
legs spread out across the reservation
John Mayer
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