- On your knees boy
- Wounded Knee
- Massacre at Wounded Knee
- The siege at Wounded Knee
- knee
- knee trembler
- the bee's knees
- fall on your knees
- knee joint
- bring X to its knees
- down on one knee
- Knees up
- happy knees
- knee high to a grasshopper
- I would like to spiritually attune your face with my knee
- Do my skinned knees prove something about me?
- knee biter
- 1 1/4 inches at a time to the land of broken knees
- knee exercises
- The Ministry for Monkeys on the Knee
- Including her knees and a dragon made from a sock
- Her knees
- Though you may have no knees, you'll need kneel to nobody!
- She bruised her knee. This is how we met.
- Making Love to a Vampire With a Monkey on My Knee
- And her knee touched mine
- Put your head between your knees and kiss your arse goodbye
- Knee Skin Cup in the Adobe Episode
- knee puck
- knee slider
- Chinese, Japanese, Dirty Knees, Look at These
- On Your Knees
- Half hands and knees crawling over the burnt wreckage
- Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
- Events leading to the Massacre at Wounded Knee
- knee surgery
- trick knee
- Weak knees, and some Delayed Payment Information
- Backwards Knee (user)
- Jumper's knee
- take a knee
- Small phasic bent knee position
- Weak in the knees
- I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees
- Music For The Knee Plays
- Knee cancer at the self-improvement rodeo
- My knees will bend and ease into the quiet
- Knee high by the 4th of July
- It's easier to kick a praying man, because he's on his knees already
- Knee jerk
- Magnetic Knee Man
- Give me your knees
- knee replacement
- Chews gum—shows knees
- Sportster knee
- I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee
- Bring pianos to their knees
- Chin resting on her knees
- Knees in our arms
- Below this table our knees touched. Twice.
- some of the pain that she endures would bring a strong man to his knees
- Fun Knee Moe Mint (user)
- length
- Bishop's length
- Header Length
- Total Length
- variable length string
- UPA:V. Length of Game
- Planck length
- pad the length of a paper
- Focal Length
- on the length of haikus
- standard length
- restriction fragment length polymorphism
- Arc Length
- Length of pregnancy for mammals
- Statistical Correlation between foot size and forearm length
- length contraction
- stitch length
- line and length
- Coherence Length
- Planck-Wheeler length
- run length encoding
- Finding the length of a curve
- bond length
- Debye length
- pumping length
- How to Calculate the Length of Your Very Own Vocal Tract
- The relationship between the direness of a text message and its length
- a collection of rubber bands sorted by length
- Arch length
- A pack of cigarettes and a short length of hose
- The length and thickness of bones
- The length and thickness of boners
- Length overall
- Loaded waterline length
- The Length of the Leash
- anything cut to length will be too short
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