Iritis is the inflammation of the iris, the colored portion of the eye. The infection is usually allergic in nature, can be recurring in nature and is usually associated with different diseases such as arthisis, viral infection, tuberculosis and syphilis.

The eye turns red and there's extreme sensitivity to light, tenderness and tearing. The patient will usually experience blurred vision. In addition, the pupil may become smaller in the eye affected by iritis. Since this description also fits a scratched cornea, this condition is often misdiagnosed by general medical or emergency room doctors.

A careful eye exam is extremely important when the symptoms of iritis occur, as inflammation inside the eye can affect sight and could lead to blindness. A slit lamp, which illuminates and magnifies the structures of the eye, is commonly used to detect any signs of inflammation. A diagnosis is often made on the basis of an eye examination.

Since iritis is an inflammation inside the eye, the condition is potentially sight threatening. Proper diagnosis and prompt treatment of iritis are essential. To minimize any loss of vision, the patient should have a complete eye examination as soon as symptoms occur. If diagnosed in the early stages, iritis can usually be controlled with the use of eye drops before vision loss occurs. With proper treatment, an acute infection will usually heal in 3 to 5 weeks.

I*ri"tis (?), n. [NL. See Iris, and -itis.] Med.

An inflammation of the iris of the eye.


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