user since
Sun Nov 11 2001 at 16:50:03 (23.4 years ago )
last seen
Tue Nov 30 2010 at 16:34:22 (14.3 years ago )
number of write-ups
40 - View cmyr's writeups (feed)
level / experience
7 (Chronicler) / 3012
mission drive within everything
meet neat people
avoiding respectability
I'm not a poet but I dabble; I'm not cold, I just keep my love inside.
most recent writeup
Send private message to cmyr

Steel eyed shit don't work in here.

There's a secret. It's supposed to be DL, but I figure I gotta do what I can to elevate. To push things forward. Raise the bar, you know? We all gotta do our part. So that secret, I was mentioning. pass it on. It goes like this: as soon as you realize that nothing matters, you rule the world.

Welcome to happy-go-lucky existentialism.


cmyr's (in)Frequently Asked Questions
What is up with the name?

cmyr is, to me, pronounced as individual letters. That is because c m y and r are my intials. It is not (intended to be) pronounced smer, camur, or seymour. If it needs to be pronounced at all, I am personally rather fond of see-mire. Not that that should matter, in the slightest.

Heh, I'm like Superintendant Chalmers! SEYMOUR!

Dude, that isn't even a question.

I've been reading some of your stuff, and, like, are you alright man?

Absolutely peachy, thanks for asking. No, serious, I'm not damaged. As I live a rather boring life, I like to explore other things when I write. Consider it a coping mechanism.



E2 Philosophy?

HA! like anyone ever wants to hear anyone else's philosophy. Regardless: I'm starting to node a bit more again; but from here on out, I am primarily concerned with prose. While the goal of making e2 a reference desk is certainly a noble one, I feel that goal is being better achieved elsewhere. The real strength of e2, to me, lies in the community, and in the incredible creativity of the people here. Anybody can write "well." very few people can write memorably. Breathe. On voting: I tend to vote on things that are in the New Nodes nodelet. If I think something contributes, I vote it up; if it doesn't contribute, I /msg. Downvotes don't help anything.

I just read something of yours I liked, and I'd like to read something else, but I don't want to skim through all your crap. Help?

My pleasure.


Daylog Poetry

What's up with the hand? Are you going to fill it in?

Realistically, probably not. But I mean, it's good to have something to shoot for. Check back sometime around 2010, and we'll see how I'm doing.

A lifetime of heartbreak
A poem

first job, kind of tense
fingers fumble with the noose;

sweaty hand:
fat end under-over-up-and-through
looks like shit
who knew.

Later now, trying harder
if only I were better looking.
half of Windsor:

With age comes what I needed younger
graduate to Windsor proper
better ties now too, who knew.
Start crossed: than up-and-wrap-than-over,
than over-up-and-through.

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