A light, playful touch or tap, typically made with a forefinger on someone's nose. This action is often accompanied by the utterance of the word "boop." It is frequently used in affectionate interactions with children and animals. For example, someone might say, "I'm going to boop your nose!" (And then do so.)

It also seems the act of "booping" has gained popularity in internet culture and it, too, often symbolizes affection or playfulness. It can serve as a way to initiate conversation or express friendliness among peers. For instance, texting "boop" can imply a desire to connect or say hello, similar to when one could poke a friend on facebook back in the day, but without the same potential innuendo. (As far as I can tell, anyway, as I've never received a boop text, or a booty call for that matter, although I've poked and been poked about as many times as I've booped a nose.)

As a grandfather, it was my pleasure,
privilege, and responsibility to node this.

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