An enclosed water environment in which fish and similar animals can live. An aquarium can also refer to a large collection of such environments sometimes used as tourist attractions, such as the New York Aquarium. Aquariums typically have artifical filtering and temperature systems for helping regulate the environment to make it habitable for the creatures within.
Home aquariums for display are made of either glass or acrylic. Acrylic is lighter and stronger than glass, and doesn't warp like glass does, but is is very easy to scratch and is hideously expensive compared to glass. Aquariums usually have a much higher density of fish than do natural bodies of water, thus an artificial filtering system is installed to ensure the health of the inhabitants. Aquariums are also called tanks.
A*qua"ri*um (#), n.; pl. E. Aquariums (#), L. Aquaria (#). [L. See Aquarius, Ewer.]
An artificial pond, or a globe or tank (usually with glass sides), in which living specimens of aquatic animals or plants are kept.
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