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You taste like salt and sunshine
I'm ok, you're ok, that's ok, ok?
listen mr. cute sweater you are all kinds of a sugar
Cowgirl's Dirty Dream
his place, late at night
I wish I could eat the salt off of your lost faded lips
What is the purpose of metaphor if not to describe women?
Let's just call it love, and split the difference
an Angel herself
I need these blue and black halos for comfort, to remind me where I am, who I am, when I am
Grace and Fury walk with you, call each by name when the other has failed
I like hearing you talk. It doesn't matter if I don't understand.
The vanity of a woman demands that a man be more than a happy husband
She favors black bras
his whole life, like a thundercloud, out in front of him
Getting hit by a woman
I will take one ticket please to whatever you have to say please keep talking
let the music play
tiny yellow flowers
The Final Eulogy
hanging out the window with a bottle full of rain
an invitation to be everything you never thought you could be
A bee hiding up in that flower
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