Val-de-Grâce is a A building in France.

In 1621, Anne of Austria, the queen of France, housed the Benedictines, a religious order of the Roman Catholic Church, from the Deep Valley (called the Valley of Grace, Val de Grâce).

In 1637, she decided to put up a baroque-style church. It took several architects to complete the church: Mansart, Le Mercier, Le Muet, and Le Duc. The dome and the cupola are pretty famous and a must-see on any trip to Paris. After the Revolution, the Val de Grace became a military hospital.

During world war I Louis Aragon and André Breton, surrealist artists, were enlisted as physicians-in-traing at the hospital. As a part of the French government’s efforts to keep morale up during the war, a museum had built of reconstructive surgery in the hospital. The exhibits consisted of wax sculptures of deformed human faces and the results of reconstructive surgery. A look at the museum reveals that there is almost no doubt that the exhibits had an impact on the two artists and eventually the surrealist movement, which frequently deals with themes of dismemberment and disfiguration.

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