Near Matches
Ignore Exact
To leave you there by yourself chained to fate
This is the time. The time was now. And now is then. This was the time.
A once noble nation reduced to a corpse in armor
Fate, made to fade
Old Ball and Chain
I must die or be better
I'll become what you became to me
Many of me, laid end to end, would never reach the moon
I am my father's daughter
Warriors of Fate
Appearance and Reality
Year of the Rabbit
I wanted to touch him so badly that it made my fingertips burn
you can only make me dizzy if you're spinning me in leaves or snowflakes
walking puts you in charge of your own destiny
Shine, Perishing Republic
Like mother, like daughter
college bubble
Redneck Riviera
Don't feel comfortable with girls? Have a daughter.
frog gigging
For a boat of white bone, and we three
Folsom Prison Blues
how striking is the world, how careless and full of desire
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