During his reign, Emperor Norton issued many proclamations. Unfortunately, many of these accredited proclamations have since turned out to be false proclamations issued by newspaper editors as an attempt to poke fun at or discredit the Emperor's good name.
The following is a list of proclamations published by newspapers which have been credited as actually being issued by Emperor Norton taken from the Museum of the City of San Francisco
September 17, 1859 – Joshua A. Norton declared himself Norton I, Emperor of the United States of America and Protector of Mexico.
December 2, 1859 – Emperor Norton dismissed the Governer of Virginia after the hanging of John Brown. In his place, Emperor Norton appointed John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky, and later of American Civil War fame.
February 1, 1860 – Emperor Norton summoned representitives from every state to assemble at Platt’s Music Hall to amend current laws.
July 16, 1860 – Emperor Norton dissolved the United States of America.
October 1, 1860 – Emperor Norton disbanded Congress.
February 5, 1861– Emperor Norton changed the location of his National Convention to Assembly Hall, Post and Kearny after Platt’s Music Hall caught fire and burnt down.
July 25, 1869 – Emperor Norton ordered the citizens San Fransisco to advance money to inventor Frederick Marriott in order to fund his flight experiments.
August 12, 1869 – Emperor Norton abolished the Democratic and Republican parties.
December 16, 1869 – Emperor Norton ordered citizens of Sacramento to clean the city streets and upgrade public streetlights.
September 21, 1870 – Norton I ordered the Grand Hotel to furnish his Highness with a private hotel room.
March 23, 1872 – Emperor Norton proclaimed that a suspension bridge be built between Oakland Point and Goat Island, later to include San Fransisco as well.
September 21, 1872 – Emperor Norton decreed that a survey be taken to determine the best method of connecting Oakland and San Fransisco Board of Supervisors responsible for carrying out his decrees were also ordered to be placed under arrest after ignoring his decrees.
January 2, 1873 – Emperor Norton decreed that a Bible Convention be held in San Fransisco.
January 8, 1880 – Emperor Joshua Norton I died on a street corner while on his way to attending a lecture at the Academy of Natural Sciences.