The Good Book by Peter J. Gomes, published by William R. Morrow 1996. ISBN: 0-688-13447-5. Classified under relegious faith, the Bible, and homosexuality.
Peter J. Gomes, preacher to Harvard University, is considered by many to be one of the "Best Talkers in America" (Talk Magazine, summer 1999). Professor Gomes, during a gathering in 1991 on the steps of the Memorial Church, declared himself to be gay. As a result of the response he recieved, he was inspired to write this book.
Professor Gomes is quoted as saying, "the theme of this book is the risk and the joy of the Bible: risk in that we might get it wrong, and joy in the discovery of the living Word becoming flesh. It is around this theme that I formulate three basic questions: which the thoughtful reader brings to the Bible: What is it? How is it used? What does it have to say to me?"
In this book, Professor Gomes analyzes many social controversies, including slavery and homosexuality. He sites many references in the bible that may even justify slavery. Controversial words, as Gomes himself is African-American.
Gomes attempts to explain what he believes is "Biblical Textualism", or the misinterpretation many have of the words contained within what is often considered the Greatest Book Ever Written. He examines the need for people to realize they must change the way they think in order to grow more spiritually.
The Professor believes that many people know the words within the Bible, but that few actually understand what is written there. In his book he hopes to help people understand better what the Bible really says. It is his hope that people will stop utilizing the Bible as a justification for prejudisms.
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