This is a love poem You wish I wrote for you.Oh how you do.You said I had the heart of a poetBut I want the salary of a well-read novelist.You said you don't care sent me spinning This Saturday dayThis day you make me beWriting poemsThinking heart. I think of you dancing To songs sung by other girls With hair you're used to Getting in your mouth Getting in your eyes. I remember you skiing To songs in your head Your mother sang when she Danced to songs in her head Her mother sang. Your father when you tried Your first steps Held his breath waiting for you To fall waiting for the world Coming round under your toes Coming round too slow. We are swimming in ice We're crossing glaciers calving China cabinet crashing We're swimming kissing Breath holding under Tightrope walking Penguin laughing Continent crossing Gaucho cornfield laying Bag sleeping Bed tickling Sky watching Breath stealing holding Prayer hoping World building Fall waiting Still holding.
I think of you dancing To songs sung by other girls With hair you're used to Getting in your mouth Getting in your eyes. I remember you skiing To songs in your head Your mother sang when she Danced to songs in her head Her mother sang. Your father when you tried Your first steps Held his breath waiting for you To fall waiting for the world Coming round under your toes Coming round too slow. We are swimming in ice We're crossing glaciers calving China cabinet crashing We're swimming kissing Breath holding under Tightrope walking Penguin laughing Continent crossing Gaucho cornfield laying Bag sleeping Bed tickling Sky watching Breath stealing holding Prayer hoping World building Fall waiting Still holding.
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