Stone 588 is a thriller written by Gerald A. Browne. Not wanting to give away much of the plot of the story, (the plot twists are awesome), I will instead say this:

The story centers around a diamondlike stone. The true power of the stone is known to no-one in the beginning; when it is stolen from the owner, it is of no real concern. Later in the story, he realizes what the stone can do, and desperately needs the stone back for its abilities. The story tracks the main characters on their escapades (and close-calls) while attempting to retrieve the stone from the thieves. This is indeed a fascinating story, yet I cannot describe it further (nor more in depth), for fear of giving away too much of the plot. Rest assured, this book is an excellent read.

Stone 588, by Gerald A. Browne.
ISBN# 0-425-09884-2 - UPC# 0 71831 00450 5

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