After being invited to accompany Captain Picard on a final mission before entering Starfleet Academy, Wesley finds himself struggling to keep the captain alive when their shuttle crashes on a deserted planet.
One of the nice things about this episode was that even though Wesley Crusher saved the day yet again, this was not the usual case of a smartass kid doing something clever to save the ship. He actually had to work to keep Picard alive, and even showed some humility and emotion. Definitely a fitting final mission.
Picard fights to save a terrorized planet from a powerful woman who claims to be the Devil. According to legend, she visited Ventax a thousand years ago, and promised to provide its inhabitants with a thousand years of peace in exchange for their enslavement afterwards. Ardra, who is not a devil but a con artist, uses a cloaked ship to provide live special effects that appear to be supernatural, but the Enterprise crew eventually fine the vessel and comandeer it. With his crew controlling the special effects, Captain Picard performs the same parlor tricks as Ardra, and the Ventaxians take her into custody as a fraud.
When Captain Picard asks Geordi to escort a visitor, Dr. Leah Brahms, aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise, Geordi is thrilled. He confides to Guinan that Leah, the woman who designed the Enterprise's engine, is the woman of his dreams. During a crisis, he once recreated a Holodeck image of Dr. Brahms to help him and felt a strong rapport with her. But when the real Leah finally transports aboard, he is crushed to discover that she is cold, cerebral and humorless. She puts him through his paces, icily examining and criticizing the adjustments he has made to the engine she helped design.
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