1963-1974 Fineart small press founded by Dick Higgins
Thus were published work by a number of artists associated with Fluxus. It was founded as a result of Higgins frustration over how slowly George Maciunas got things to print. Among the items printed were books of poetry, performances, experimental fiction, happenings, music, Art Theory, concrete poetry and etc.
The first title published by the press was: "Jefferson's Birthday" authored by Higgins himself. Another title was "
Paper Snake" by Ray Johnson.
There was published an entire series called, "Great Bear Pamphlet", which published many different authors.
Published works by:
- Allan Kaprow - "How To Make A Happening" - 1966 and "Some Recent Happenings" - 1966
- Alison Knowles - "By Alison Knowles" - 1965
- Ben Patterson
- Philip Corner - "Popular Entertainments" - 1967
- George Brecht - "Chance-Imagery" - 1966
- Daniel Speorri - "An Anecdoted Topography of Chance (Re-Anecdoted Version)" - 1965
- Robert Filliou - "Games at the Cedilla, or the Cedilla Takes Off" (With George Brecht) - 1967 and "A Filliou Sampler" - 1967
- Gertrude Stein - "Lucy Church Amiably: A Novel of Romantic beauty and nature which Looks Like an Engraving" - 1969
- Marshall McLuhan - "Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations" - 1967
- John Cage - "Diary: How to Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse) Continued Part Three (1967)"
- Al Hansen - "A Primer of Happenings & Time / Space Art" - 1965
- Merce Cunningham - "Changes: Notes on Choreography" - 1968
- Emmett Williams - "A Valentine For Noel: Four Variations on a Scheme" - 1973 & "Anthology of Concrete Poetry"
- Bern Porter - "Found Poems" - 1972
- Ray Johnson - "The Paper Snake" - 1965
- Jackson Mac Low - "Stanzas for Iris Lezak" - 1971
- Richard Kostelanetz - "Breakthrough Fictioneers" - 1973
- Brion Gysin - "Brion Gysin Let The Mice In" - 1973
- Richard Meltzer - "Aesthetics" (later renamed "The Aesthetics of Rock"
- Claes Oldenburg - "Store Days. Documents from The Store (1961) and Ray Gun Theater (1962) Selected by Claes Oldenburg and Emmett Williams" - 1967
- Richard Huelsenbeck - "Dada Almanach" - 1966
- Diter Rot - "246 Little Clouds" - 1968
- Ben Vautier
- Luigi Russolo - The Art of Noises
- Henry Cowell - "New Musical Resources" - 1969
- Goeff Hendricks
- Ruth Kraus - "There's a Little Ambiguity Over There Among the Bluebells" - 1968
- Eugen Gomringer - "The Book of Hours and Constellations" - 1968
- John Giorno - "Cancer in My Left Ball" - 1973
- Peter Finch - "Typewriter Poems" - 1972
- Manford L. Eaton - "Bio-Music" - 1974
- Wolf Vostell - "Berlin and Phenomena" - 1966
- Walter Gutman - "The Gutman Letter" - 1969
- Ay-O "Manifestos" - 1966
Friedman, Ken, Editor, "The Fluxus Reader", John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, 1998.
Gruen, John, "The New Bohemia", a capella books, Chicago, 1990.
Hendricks, Jon, "Fluxus Codex", Harry N. Abrams, NY, 1995.
Last Updated 01.31.04