The Image In the middle of the earth is water: The image of the Army. Thus the superior man increases his masses By generosity toward the people.
Six at the bottom means: An army must set forth in proper order. If the order is not good, misfortune threatens. () Nine in the second place means: In the midst of the army. Good fortune. No blame. The king bestows a triple decoration. Six in the third place means: Perchance the army carries corpses in the wagon. Misfortune. Six in the fourth place means: The army retreats. No blame. () Six in the fifth place means: There is game in the field. It furthers one to catch it. Without blame. Let the eldest lead the army. The younger transports corpses; Then perseverance brings misfortune. Six at the top means: The great prince issues commands, Founds states, vests families with fiefs. Inferior people should not be employed.
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