The Filipino term for their top most favorite illegal drug. It is actually methamphetamine hydrochloride crystals, and is most often sold in small plastic sachets.

To find out where you can get some shabu when in .ph read my wu on Drug Spots in different cities.

It comes in different "servings" as I will explain. Retail buyers (end users, junkies) must also understand that shabu is sold by price rather than by weight. Read below to understand more.

  • One G - refers to a serving of one gram though rarely ever is a gram. More often than not means a sachet that contains 1,000 pesos worth. Actual content purity and quantity will vary from dealer to dealer.
  • Kalahati' - literally meaning "half". Half a gram or whatever 500 pesos will get you.
  • Katorse - The number "14" in words, means 1/4th of a gram, 14 resembles 1/4 hence "katorse". Again content purity and quantity will vary from dealer to dealer
  • Piso - The cheapest and most popular serving, literally means 1 peso but actually means 100 pesos worth of the drug. Will approximately give 8-10 hits from a 6 inch long strip of tin foil where it is most commonly heated and inhaled from.

There is also the bulto which means a big serving of five grams. A bulto is sold by weight and is usually bought by dealers themselves or rich and extremely hooked junkies. The price for a bulto can easily reach 10,000.00 pesos so the actual price per gram is nearer 2,000 pesos.

See chasing the dragon to get an idea of how to take shabu.

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