The name, means of course, "Royal Danish", since these cookies are a product of Denmark, the only thing on your average supermarket shelf immediatly recognizable as such, with the exception of Legos. Denmark is famous for its butter, and of course the word cookie is actually a Danish word, so these cookies could actually be seen as the true expression of the Danish national character.
Unfortunatly, despite the fond holiday memories that I, and many others, have of these cookies, they are not easily available in stores, at other times of the year, something that the people at Kelsen International Bakery are trying to alleviate, by bringing the blue tinned cookies to several select stores around the nation, year round. These stores include Walgreens, where I bought a tin today.
Perhaps because of their efforts into becoming a full year round cookie power house, the tin of cookies, weighing a full pound, only cost two dollars, which is a very good price for cookies, even without the attractive, and seemingly but probably not actually expensive tin.
The tin, I believe, is the secret to both the marketting and the enjoyment of these fine cookies. If these cookies were sold in a little plastic container at 7-11 like common ghetto cookies, I don't think they would be quite as enjoyable. Their would be too much of a temptation to just scarf them down all at once. But packed away in their orantely decorated tin, and further seperated by frily little pieces of paper, you take each cookie as a rare treat, making the process of eating them much more enjoyable.
Although the tin probably doesn't take much more then 5 cents to make, it seems rather expensive. And even though it is not exactly the most durable, space age container, it is still a rather classy place to put things, especially your weed.