Port Richey, Florida is simply God's waiting room. A friend once told me the only people who lived in this circle of hell were "newly wed or nearly dead." I had to agree.
The major highway through this little piece of hell is US HWY 19. It's six lanes, but only has a 45mph speed limit. Not that anybody particularly pays attention to it. I personally do about 65 through there. However, slow down when you go right over the Withalacoochee bridge. The cops love to hide there.
This road is filled with the primary denizens of Port Richey, which are white/blue haired people who are too old to be driving, driving cars that are bigger than Donald Trump's yacht, and driving at speeds that could be topped by an inebriated slug. All this at rush hour.
It does have some good points, though. They have the Chasco Fiesta, which includes a boat parade down the river and a huge barbecue (supposedly the largest in the world) Yeah, right.
There's Gulfview Square Mall, which has some of the same stores as the larger malls in the area, but is not as crowded. Nice for Christmas shopping, actually. They just put in a new food court and this kick-ass merry-go-round.
Home values are lower there, and the homes are somewhat older, but they are of better construction than the cardboard housing you see in the newer homes. It's a good place to buy your first house.