This poem was written by Hildegard von Bingen about 900 years ago. It reflects her belief that nature has a "greening power" which she called viriditas.

O nobilissima viriditas

by Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
in Latin:
O nobilissima viriditas,
quae radicas in sole,
et quae in candida serenitate luces in rota,
quam nulla terrena excellentia
tu circumdata es
amplexibus divinorum mysteriorum.

Tu rubes ut aurora,
et ardes ut solis flamma.

in English:
O most noble greening power,
rooted in the sun,
who shine in dazzling serenity in a sphere
that no earthly excellence can comprehend.
You are enclosed
in the embrace of divine mysteries.

You blush like the dawn,
and burn like a flame of the sun.

Source of original and translation: web page titled "translations of Hildegard" at (last accessed 2002/09/28)

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