A guitarist originating in South Florida, Michael Bianco is an accomplished guitarist well-known for his immense skill in the fingertapping style of guitar-playing.

Michael uses fingertapping to compose songs, often integrating rhythm and lead into one fluid harmony. Michael's influences include Stanley Jordan and the late, great Michael Hedges. As with Michael Hedges, Bianco's music is often described by terms like New Age and Ambient. Thus, anyone who enjoys Hedges' amazing music would undoubtedly appreciate Bianco. Bianco cannot be confined to these categories, however, for he incorporates a plethora of styles.

Also an accomplished Chapman Stick player, Michael designed the rare 14-string double neck guitar, built by Bob Mason, a guitar-maker also originating in South Florida.

In his early years, Michael attended the Berklee School of Music in Boston. After some time, Michael participated in several different bands, as many young musicians will. It wasn't until he moved to South Florida and actually decided to take a break from guitar, however, that he began his new career as a tapper. During this brief period of musical inactivity, Michael saw a video of Stanley Jordan, and was greatly inspired. He went on to do much experimentation with the tapping style, and has since created his own very unique musical form, making use of strumming, fingerpicking, and most of all fingertapping.

http://www.michaelbianco.com --Official Michael Bianco Website

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