Pr. mork-sugah

The name could be translated into "Darkness' Sow".
A Swedish folklore figure, first documented around the 1920s (but surely much older than that) around the lake Siljan's southern branch, in the communities of Rättvik, Leksand, Djura, Gagnef and Ål, in the Dalarna county.

Described as an entity living in the dark woods or in old cabins. Everywhere near and seldom seen, the mörksugga used to be something you would scare kids with, when they wanted to be out late.
"Watch out! The Mörksugga could eat up your way...".

The word could be also used for an abnormally large, black pig, for a log that would not burn, or for the female genitalia.

Nowadays the Mörksugga is no longer something to be feared. Those that have one at home need not be afraid of the dark powers; the Mörksugga will eat them up.

In the late 50:es the Swedish artist Birger Eriksson created the now famous souvenir that is the best known shape of the mörksugga. It is a black, ovoidal shape with serious eyes and a long tail, balancing on short legs.

It looks something like this:

       /\    /\
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         \\           /V\
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           ||      \\\\V////
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            \\       \\V//
             ||       \V/
              \\      //
Sources: various on the internet, plus a few friends.

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