Lois Lowry was born March 20, 1937, in Hawaii. Her father was an army dentist and the family lived all over the world. She attended Brown University, but left after her sophomore year to get married (at age 19) and raise a family of four children.
Her husband was also military, so more moving around. They finally settled in Maine, where her children would grow up, and where she would finally get her degree from the University of Southern Maine. In the mid-70s she began to write professionally, which she dreamed of doing since she was a kid.
She knits. She photographs. The cover of The Giver that has the sad old man in black and white - that's her photo.
The Giver is one of the most frequently censored American books, often criticized for being too Christian, not Christian enough, new age, too spiritual, un-American, too pessimistic and not pessimistic enough. It also won the 1994 Newbery Award.
"I have grandchildren now. For them, I feel a greater urgency to do what I can to convey the knowledge that we live intertwined on this planet and that our future as human beings depends upon our caring more, and doing more, for one another.""READING is the most productive thing for me, I think. If I read brilliant paragraphs I want to rush out and write brilliant paragraphs.""Agents, contracts, rejection slips. None of that has anything to do with the love of language."
" 'Being an author' is sort of a public thing. Being a writer is what I love."
All About Sam
Anastasia, Absolutely
Anastasia Again!
Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst
Anastasia at This Address
Anastasia at Your Service
Anastasia Has the Answers
Anastasia Krupnik
Anastasia on Her Own
Anastasia's Chosen Career
Attaboy, Sam!
Autumn Street
Find a Stranger, Say Goodbye
Gathering Blue
The Giver (1994 Newbery Award)
Here in Kennebunkport (out of print)
Number the Stars (1990 Newbery Award)
The One Hundredth Thing About Caroline
Rabble Starkey
See You Around, Sam!
Stay! : Keeper's Story
A Summer to Die
Taking Care of Terrific
Us and Uncle Fraud
Your Move, J.P.!
Zooman Sam
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