If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: wertperch

1 LieQuest 2024: A Lie Quest of Mythologically Discordian Proportions (thing) wertperch writeup
2 Dick Andrysiak (fiction) panamaus writeup
3 Laura Eight (person) weroland writeup
4 Knig of Tyops (person) weroland writeup
5 Nick Ayala (fiction) weroland writeup
6 skulduggery (thing) wertperch writeup
7 White Wilderness (review) wertperch writeup
8 The penis mightier than the sword (fiction) panamaus writeup
9 Got Milk? (fiction) wertperch writeup
10 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Bloody Hell, It's an Irishman! (fiction) panamaus writeup
11 sechsterTag (idea) weroland writeup
12 Let's get milk-faced and hum like rabbits (fiction) panamaus writeup
13 Conflagration (thing) passalidae writeup
14 Roman Catholic approved contraceptive (thing) wertperch writeup
15 Three horrible old women and a monkey (fiction) panamaus writeup
16 No Such Thing As A Fish (thing) wertperch writeup
17 neomyth (idea) weroland writeup
18 Perestroika and Glasscock (thing) Swift writeup
19 SETEC Astronomy (fiction) wertperch writeup
20 dronf eht eraweb (thing) weroland writeup
21 Alayak Cin (person) Jet-Poop writeup
22 Can I Kalay? (fiction) weroland writeup
23 Sacred Chao (thing) wertperch writeup
24 St. Gulik (idea) weroland writeup
25 queso Chihuahua (fiction) weroland writeup
26 Haint (idea) weroland writeup
27 Myth of Starbuck (idea) weroland writeup
28 Starbuck's Pebbles (idea) weroland writeup
29 Andrew Tate (person) Hazelnut writeup
30 Muffin Man (person) wertperch writeup