In Oxford city it was
A brisk young damsel there did
And by a servant man she was
He told her he loved her exceedingly
She loved him too, but best at a distance,
He says, My dear, you're not so fond,
He says, My dear, you seem to slight me,
I'm sure you're in love with some other man.
He says, My dear, you've another sweetheart
And in his company takes great delight,
But for your fondest sake, constant fair one,
It soon will end your tender light.
He says, My dear, why can't we marry
And that will end all this distrife?
I'll work for you both late and early
If you will be my sweet wedded wife.
She says, My dear, I'm too young to marry
Too young to climb the marriage bed,
For when we're married we're bound for ever,
My dear, then all our joys have fled.
In a few days after, this lovely fair one
Was invited to a dance you know,
And her true lover, he followed after
This he prepared to overthrow.
He saw her dancing with another,
Which made jealousy run into his mind,
So all for to destroy his own true lover
He gave her some poison in a glass of wine.
How soon she drinked, how soon she altered
Pray take me home, my love, she cried,
For that glass of wine that you've just given me
Makes me as ill as ill can be.
I'm sure I've drinked the same myself, says he,
For I feel as ill as ill as thee
So let's both lie down and die together
And quite forget all jealousy.
Now come all young men and pretty maidens,
Never let jealousy run in your mind
Never destroy your own true lover
By giving her poison in a glass of wine.
Irish folk song, seems to be an alternative version of the English folk song Poison In A Glass of Wine. Original authorship uncertain.