Inline Frame (HTML)
IFRAMES are very similar to normal HTML frames.
But, while normal frames must exist within a frameset, inline frames can exist inside the body of an HTML document, just like an image.
With normal frames, the frameset tag is used to determine the size of its contained frames. Since the inline frame does not have any surrounding frameset, it dictates its own dimensions. The common attributes of an iframe include:
example value:"myInlineFrame"
pupose: A name to identifiy the IFRAME
example value:"
description: Any URI
example value:"100" or "25%"
description: Width can be pixels or percentage
example value:"50" or "10%"
description: Height can be pixels or percentage
Example IFRAME Tag
<IFRAME Name="iframe2" Src="" height=80 width=400>
Anything between the opening
and closing tags are
displayed by browsers that do
not support IFRAMES.
This content is ignored by browsers
that can display IFRAMES.