A lot of Katie Holmes fans are appalled by her romance with Tom Cruise. The lesser, debatable reason to that is their age difference (she's 26, he's 42) but the main problem is that Tom Cruise is a scientologist.

The infamous Tom Cruise appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show was the spark. It was on May 23, 2005. The New York Times is clear, he: "jumped around the set, hopped onto a couch, fell rapturously to one knee and repeatedly professed his love for his new girlfriend, the actress Katie Holmes."

Tom Cruise attacking Brooke Shields and psychiatry in an interview with Billy Bush, may 2005, then in the Today Show a month later made him worse than a laughingstock, an enemy : He told that the actress is "misguided", poisoning herself with the anti-depressant drug she takes for postpartum depression and that she should use vitamins instead. He called psychiatry a "pseudo-science", claimed there are no such things as chemical imbalances and kept on saying other such absurdities.

On a lighter note, he also strongly believes aliens exist.

The connection between his lunatic beliefs and behavior and his "religion" as well as his negative influence is clear to everyone.

Sheila Cameron was a producer and media executive. She created "Free Katie" after watching the Oprah Winfrey show to send the shirts to a few friends for fun, unaware that her initiative was very smart. But it became a real campaign as shocking news like Katie Holme's conversion to the cult of Scientology in a matter of weeks were published. You can read the goal of the movement on the site:

"McLaughlin Cameron Designs invites you to join the movement to liberate Katie, a young, gifted actress held captive by forces we may never understand. Even one summer of captivity is too long for one so bright! Don't turn away. Your indifference makes you part of the problem. Talk to your children, join in community support groups and please show your support by wearing your Free Katie™ Gear!"

The products with the message "Free Katie" are now sold worldwide and available in a lot of different models, even Hollywood insiders buy them. There are forums and a watch of "TomKat" news.

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