fictional band in
Macross 7, the
lineup for Fire Bomber is as follows:
Basara Nekki - guitar and lead vocals, Voiced by Nobutoshi Hayashi, Singing by Yoshiki Fukuyama
Mylene Jenius - bass guitar and lead/backup vocals, Voiced by Tomo Sakurai, Singing with Fire Bomber by Chie Kajiura
Ray Lovelock - keyboard, voiced by Masashi Suguhara
Veffidas Feaze - drums, Voiced by Takano Urara
They were a "local" band on City 7, the main colony ship in the Macross 7 fleet. Basara, for reasons unknown, has his own specially modified Valkyrie fighter that he plays using a guitar-like interface rather than a joystick, much to the consternation of the fleet's real defense force.
Fire Bomber is. . . special. Basara opens concerts by screaming "Ore no uta wo KIKE!" which means, "Listen to my song!!" Uh, okay, Basara. I'll keep that in mind. He can be a very annoying character, especially early on. Essentially, as you come to like Fire Bomber (and you will, oh yes, you will), your tolerance for Basara rises. His singing has a profound effect on the marauding aliens, and they seem to want Basara for some reason. His passion for music is his highest priority, which can cause problems sometimes.
Mylene Jenius is cute and and often annoying, but we forgive her because she's Max and Miria's kid. She has several songs where she sings lead vocals, and they're pretty good. She's a good kid.
Ray is the old, weathered character that moderates Basara's stupidity. He has some kind of military background, and is probably the reason why Basara has a Valkyrie.
Hey also plays a mean keyboard.
Veffidas is the drummer. She's a 7-foot-tall Meltrandi woman that never speaks. Seriously, she's always quiet. But she plays a big drum set (although I believe all of the drum work for the songs is actually done by a drum machine, sigh), so who's complaining?
Fire Bomber has the following albums out, available from your favorite anime music importer:
Let's Fire!! - Fire Bomber's first full album.
Second Fire!! - Fire Bomber's second album.
Dynamite Fire!! - FB's third full album, used in Macross Dynamite 7
GALAXY NETWORK Chart Vol 1 - first Macross 7 album released.
Live Fire!!
KARA-OK FIRE!! - Fire Bomber Kareoke album.
Acoustic Fire!!
English Fire!! - by FB American, used in Macross Dynamite 7
Radio Fire!! - used in Macross Dynamite 7
Ultra Fire!! - Best collection album
I have Let's Fire!! and Second Fire!!, both of which I quite enjoy. And I want English Fire!! just because the title is so silly.