Farewell To A Friend
Blue mountains to the north of the walls, White river winding about them; Here we must make separation And go out through a thousand miles of dead grass.
Mind like a floating wide cloud, Sunset like the parting of old acquaintances Who bow over their clasped hands at a distance. Our horses neigh to each others as we are departing.
Li Po
送友人 青山橫北郭, 白水遶東城。 此地一為別, 孤蓬萬里征。 浮雲游子意, 落日故人情。 揮手自茲去, 蕭蕭班馬鳴。
A poem by 李白 Li Bai, a.k.a. Li Po (701-762, 唐), written in the regulated verse (律詩) style. DMan's writeup contains Ezra Pound's English translation. The Chinese original appears above.
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