Near Matches
Ignore Exact
Famous people with only one testicle
Hitler has only got one ball
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Violence puts the smackdown on genitalia every damn time
How to be a jerk and piss off your SO
Why 20 multicolor floppies = 25 red floppies = 30 gray disks in price
Do or do not, there is no try
stereotypical villain inventions
Napoleon Bonaparte
Herr Kartoffelkopf hat das Tal seltsam gerettet
Tom Green
Hans Lippershey
Lance Armstrong
Male-Bashing Bumper Stickers
Hansie Cronje
Paula Poundstone
Evil Etiquette - "Q&A"
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall drive like crap
How do we know dog biscuits are "now better tasting!"?
Men who are willing to listen to women talk about their periods
Napoleon complex
under the hood
Peter North
Tubal ligation
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