One of the Titans. Brother to Prometheus. Name means "after thought."
After being asked to create animals and mankind by Zeus he gave gifts to help all the animals to survive. He ran out of gifts when he finally got to man so his brother had to come to the rescue.
He was known for being clumsy, as opposed to his brother who was known for his wisdom.
Discovered by R. Walker Date of Discovery 1980 Distance from Saturn 151,422 km Radius 69 × 55 × 55 km Mass 5.4 × 10^20 g Orbital Eccentricity 0.009 Orbital Inclination 0.34° Orbital Period 0.6942 day Rotational Period Synchronous Density (gm/cm3) ???
Epimetheus and Janus may have been part of the same body at one time. They share nearly the same orbit, but unlike co-orbital moons like Tethys, Telesto, and Calypso, their orbit is not stable. In fact, about once every four years they switch places, one being slightly higher than the other. Epimetheus is heavily cratered so if it and Janus were truly once a single entity, the event causing the split must have happened early in its history, billions of years ago. It is irregularly shaped, with ridges and grooves all over its surface, but not as irregular as Atlas or Calypso.
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