Elizabeth Enright was born on September 17, 1909, in Chicago. Her mother was a magazine illustrator and her father was a political cartoonist. Illustration was Elizabeth's original career choice, and she studied art in Greenwich, Connecticut; Paris; and the Parsons School of Design in New York. Her first book, Kintu: A Congo Adventure, was written around a set of pictures she'd drawn. Somewhere along the line she realized she'd rather be writing than drawing, and went on to write books for adults as well as children, though she is remembered most for her kids' books.
Critically, her name is often listed with Eleanor Estes', though I don't know why.Enright died in 1968.
The Four-Story Mistake
Gone-Away Lake
Return to Gone-Away
The Riddle of the Fly, & Other Stories
The Saturdays
Spiderweb for Two; A Melendy Maze
Then There Were Five
Thimble Summer (1939 Newbery Award)
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