The ground fog rolled in slowly

                                         greyblue waves

heavier than woodsmoke 


wrapping around trees and fences


careful not to make a sound 

                                        a muted assault 

Fireflies played the part of grenades 












thanks to moeyz for assist 

August 2, 2024: When demure stopped meaning demure.

"very demure, very mindful"
-- Jools Lebron

Admittedly, the opening comment of this writeup is exaggerated for effect. The definition of demure has actually been augmented, not replaced. It seems that Jools Lebron, a TikTok beauty influencer, inadvertently coined a phrase that went viral and became a meme, a catchphrase, and a neologism, as well as's word of the year for 2024 with her "How to be Demure at Work" video.

In current common usage, especially within (but not limited to) the LGBTQ+ community, demure has the added definition of "being confident, considerate, and cutesy." In short, and as a way of life, don't do too much with one's makeup and hair; be presentable in conservative situations; and, no matter what, be neither skibidi nor Ohio.

De*mure" (?), a. [Perh. from OF. de murs (i. e., de bonnes murs of good manners); de of + murs, mours, meurs, mors, F. murs, fr. L. mores (sing. mos) manners, morals (see Moral); or more prob. fr. OF. meur, F. mur mature, ripe (see Mature) in a phrase preceded by de, as de mure conduite of mature conduct.]


Of sober or serious mien; composed and decorous in bearing; of modest look; staid; grave.

Sober, steadfast, and demure. Milton.

Nan was very much delighted in her demure way, and that delight showed itself in her face and in her clear bright eyes. W. Black.


Affectedly modest, decorous, or serious; making a show of gravity.

A cat lay, and looked so demure, as if there had been neither life nor soul in her. L'Estrange.

Miss Lizzy, I have no doubt, would be as demure and coquettish, as if ten winters more had gone over her head. Miss Mitford.


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De*mure", v. i.

To look demurely.




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