This patio of mine
would either be quite small
depending upon my choice
of book, or biodegradable
temporary and fragile
if I used the pages of
this random book with
1180 pages including the index
copyright 1935, 1948, 1959
1970, 1977 Anthology of
Children's Literature
5th Edition with numerous
illustrations in color
during a week's prediction of
occasional thunderstorms with
rain on dampened dirt and grass.
Consider this an invitation
to join me, bats swooping,
moths fluttering, fireflies
blinking, leave your shoes off
for dancing to shadows
from flickering tea lights,
rice paper kites of summers
past, dusty paper cranes
as tangled strings, words,
and pages of my patio
float upwards blackened
above the flames and
our charred soles.