Is an OnlyFans girl and adult model from Stapleford in Nottinghamshire. It says here. She was born in 1999 which makes her roughly 25 years old as of this writeup. It says here. She has fishlips and a really shiny face that looks like it's constantly exuding oil. According to this picture here. I wouldn't, let's be frank.

In early 2025 she made headlines when she claimed to beat a quarter century old sexual record. After various stunts where she offered university students no strings attached sex with the aid of a sandwich board, and then was banned from Australia for promising / threatening to do the same to a high school there, a fellow OnlyFans girl named Lily Phillips filmed herself getting, in her words, "run through" off 100 men who queued up in a corridor outside an AirBNB for their chance at making five minutes of squelching noises. Bonnie Blue thought, hah, one hundred? Amateur hour! And then claimed to have sexual congress with no less than 1,057 of her subscribers in 12 hours, thus claiming the world record for the longest train run ever.

Now I'm not going to go into chapter and verse of what this means for society, whether it's a case of extreme sexual empowerment and a feminist act or a craven incident of internalised misogyny. There's already been thousands of thinkpieces on this topic and most of them are very boring. Instead, I'm going to ask myself this: Is Bonnie Blue actually just a big fat liar?

And I think the answer is: Yes, Bonnie Blue is a big fat liar.

The logistics just don't add up.

If she shagged 1,057 men in 12 hours, that means each of them gets on average 41 seconds with her. I know we joke about two push charlies but I find it difficult to believe that in 41 seconds each, Bonnie could have that many gentlemen drop their trousers, rise to the occasion, apply a rubber (because I'm sure as hell avoiding anything bareback with an OnlyFans girl like, well, the plague), mount, get stuck in, complete, dismount, and wipe themselves off. Assuming that each of them has to lose their mess, that's reliant on some sort of screening to weed out the people with difficulty keeping the milk in the bucket from people who can persevere for a reasonable time. I shudder to think how this was achieved. Alternatively, she could have some sort of assembly line system where she has a string of assistants. Number one calls the next chap in and pulls his trousers down. Number two manipulates him to a reasonable state of tumescence and applies the mac. Number three assists him getting into position. Number four holds the stopwatch and provides a finger up the bum at 30 seconds to keep things moving along. And number five is the supreme inquisitor of the wetwipe packet and trashcan. I suppose if that was done, and her handmaidens had the iron discipline of a Formula 1 pit crew, she might have been able to do it.

Of course, then again she could have redefined it as anything other than vaginal penetration. In which case she could have two such queues and allow each participant 82 seconds. But then this will require twice as much physical effort on her part and puts her at risk of dehydration. Maybe add to the pit crew a lube supervisor and a pallet of Evian sportscap water bottles in such cases.

And all these people roaming around, wiping, lubing, arseprodding, calling "NEXT," and shouting "30 seconds, off you go" would cause a lot of gentlemen to lose their wood. Maybe the number 2 above will have to have a big box of rubber bands also to mitigate against such things.

Some people have come out post all this and said it wasn't a queue at all but that gents were allowed into her room in batches and she basically did whatever with them during their allotted slot. In which case, she was cheating. Because the challenge was to have sex, which most people mean vaginal penetration thereby, with over 1,000 lads in one go. Just getting a quick grope here and there isn't enough. There's also videos of people allegedly in the queue up multiple flights of stairs but I don't buy that. 1,057 people would mean a queue over a kilometre long. That's out the room, down the hall, down the stairs, and out into the street, and probably round several corners. I saw the queue to file past Elizabeth II's coffin. I know about queues. I don't buy it.

This leads me to the inescapable conclusion that she is lying for attention. And in such circumstances the best thing you can do is ignore her.

Oh yes. One final comment I will make. Imagine the sort of foulsome, sweaty, malodorous excuse for a man who would queue up for hours to have 41 seconds of a go on a woman they'd seen on OnlyFans, knowing that 1,056 other such critters were also having a go on her that day. Actually, I don't need to. The aforementioned Lily Phillips who did 100 in one day made a documentary about it. In it, some of the gents were shown and they were as skin-crawling as you would expect. Also the cameraman had to dash into the toilets upon entering the room post event because of the stench of sweat and bodily fluids. That was with just 100 guys. All I'm going to say is that if I owned the property where Bonnie Blue attempted to shag 1,000+ guys, I would demand she pay for it to be fumigated and renovated as a precondition of her renting it.

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