"We represent the writers," she said.

"And you're here to what?"

"We think you are too powerful. Stories are going to suffer. We risk losing circulation because you get your way all the time."

"Isn't that what all main characters get? Plot armor? We always triumph in the end."

"But stories become boring if there's no challenge. We will not risk our sales or our jobs."

"What do you think of One Punch Man? They make it work."

"We don't write One Punch Man, we write you," she said. "Insult us if you want, but we can't do what their writers can."

"You're not the first, you know."

She seemed confused.

"You're not. Do you know what happened to the previous writing team that tried to do what you're doing? Fujiyama fired them on the spot. If you think you can defy her vision, be my guest. But I would choose my next words very carefully if I were you."

Her demeanor shifted. She bowed, turned, and took her team of writers with her as they walked away.

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