Happy New Moon, and other thoughts.

"I don’t always wear black. Sometimes I wear nothing."

So as a nature pagan, I watch the seasons both large and small. As I've enjoyed a few latenight walks lately I knew we were approaching the new moon, so this morning I ran the Bash script I developed to track such things:

 $ Moon:
  Moonrise 06:12  
  Moonset 20:50 
  moon phase 0.01, new
  moon age 0.3 days since new
  moon distance 398092 km
🌕`The next full moon is on 2024-08-19 16:49:34. If you are close to completing something, this is when to be most mindful of it.
🌚The next new moon is on 2024-08-04 19:56:34. If you are close to starting something, this is when to be most mindful of it. 

I may not have nailed the day and hour, but we're still in the right season, the fingernail moon is still the tiniest platinum sliver, so I figure we're close enough for me to do another little moon ceremony. So this morning, up at dawn, I prepared a couple of tea light candles, a glass of water, a cup of coffee (of course!) and a little salt. Skyclad, I sprinkled salt in a little circle, deosil and lit my candles inside. Facing the west I poured a libation and recited to myself the plans and events I have for the coming few weeks (and months and even seasons!)

I am planning another trip to Seattle to visit the Tess, and that will hopefully happen this autumn. Meanwhile, missing the Dryad et famille and wanting to see their new home, I'm starting metaplanning for a trip (possibly in the Spring). We spent a wonderful afternoon and evening together, as ever talking, laughing and just enjoying the closeness as well as a little street food. She has been missing me too, and we will doubtless begin to lay the groundwork for me to pay a visit next year.

My health continues stable, but many people are telling me I've lost weight. I look scrawny, I can count ribs, and I know my strength and stamina are low, so I need to begin to rebuild that. More bacon, more colcannon, more exercise, more work! I long to be back at market full-time, and not just for the social exercise. Setting up canopies, tables and boxes of veggies is wonderful exercise for strength, flexibility and stamina and I always sleep better after a full day at market.

Lost and Found

The theft of one of my bags from the train back from Seattle has finally borne its rotten fruit. Yesterday I was looking for my copy of I, Lucifer which I had packed for the trip. Sadly, I reckoned it must have in the bag that was swiped. The loss of the clothes I can deal with, but this book was a gift to me and I was so keen to read it; now I have put it back on my wish list and may order it again later.

I also know that my concentration, ever fragile, has also taken a step back. Time was I could sit and bang out a writeup from scratch research in a coup;le of hours. Since the stroke, I've struggled to do that; it can take me all day to write even 800 words, which used to take me just a couple of hours. The reason is not that my wits have fled, it's more that I'm more easily distracted. Focused reasearch is harder as I fall down every rabbit hole that opens up until I crash at the bottom with notes for another half-dozen writeups. In time I will get to all those drafts (I have outlines and some notes for about 50 writeups just now), probably for Iron Noder, which I hope will be running again this year. If I can organise myself (which is like herding cats) I will churn out a few for Brevity QUest 2024, which Tem42 is running this month.

Speaking of cats, I have renewed my determination to adopt an orphaned kitty. My lack of cat is now painfully noticeable and the exchange of affection made possible by a wee kitten can only be good, right? I've read [citation needed] that petting a cat has a calming effect and can help regulate the heart and reduce blood pressure, and if so, I need that.

I'm also planning to make a tattoo appointment, I want to to capture Christine's wedding ring and my engagement ring, not for any other reason than sometimes I take the rings off for work, but still want to bear them in spirit. I'm sure she'd understand and approve of my love for the Dryad; she simply wasn't th jealous type.

Meanwhile, the Dryad's visit (while brief) has given me a boost. Just her presence, smile and touch warms my spirit, and her hugs make me feel even more alive. Every time I see her I rediscover what having love does for my soul. I can hardly wait to see her again. I want to dance in her garden, sit under her trees, cool my feet in her stream. I need to make that trip happen.

Written today, Sweetmorn, the 70th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3190

$ xclip -o | wc -w

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