Alligator Alley or "Gator Alley" is a section of I-75 that joins south Florida's east and west coasts. It crosses through the Florida Everglades and connects Naples with Fort Lauderdale. It is named because it is very very common to see alligators on the side of the road. The motorists are protected by a metal fence.

The name "Alligator Alley" was given to the stretch of road by the American Automobile Association (AAA) to express contempt of its construction. Their position was that it was not designed for safety and that it charged a toll. It was also called "Chickee Quickee", "Spurnpike" and "Swamp Express" by its naysayers.

Alligator Alley was completed in three years and opened on 11 February 1968. On 13 September 2002, it came into the spotlight when a 20 mile stretch of Alligator Alley was closed down due to suspected terrorist activities.

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