Information about the integer 10001. For more information about the notation used in this writeup, see the section "Representation" in integer information metanode.
minus 1 -1
plus 1 +1
times 2 ×2
times 3 ×3
times 4 ×4
times 5 ×5
times 6 ×6
times 10 ×10
times 12 ×12
times 15 ×15
times 16 ×16
times 20 ×20
times 30 ×30
times 50 ×50
times 60 ×60
times 73 ×73
times 100 ×100
times 137 ×137
divided by 73 ÷73
divided by 137 ÷137
= 73 * 137
= 1*10001 = 73*137 = 137*73 = 10001*1
inverse of 10001 = 1/10001 = approximately 9.999000099990002E-5
squre root of 10001 = 100011/2 = 10001^0.5 = approximately 100.00499987500625
cube root of 10001 = 100011/3 = 10001^(1/3) = approximately 21.545065021278678
hyper root of 10001 = 100011/4 = 10001^0.25 = approximately 10.000249990625546
fifth root of 10001 = 100011/5 = 10001^0.2 = approximately 6.309699631223474
base 2 log of 10001 = lg 10001 = log 2 10001 = approximately 13.287856641840545
natural log of 10001 = ln 10001 = log e 10001 = approximately 9.210440366976517
base 10 log of 10001 = log 10001 = approximately 4.000043427276863
base 12 log of 10001 = log 12 10001 = approximately 3.706553873064932
100012 = 10001^2 = 10001*10001 = 100 020 001 = approximately 1.000E8
10001e = 10001^e = approximately 7.468705953816687E10
100013 = 10001^3 = 10001*10001*10001 = 1 000 300 030 001 = approximately 1.000E12
10001π = 10001^π = 10001pi = 10001^pi = approximately 3.685590206091897E12
100014 = 10001^4 = 10001*10001*10001*10001 = 10 004 000 600 040 001 = approximately 1.000E16
100015 = 10001^5 = 10001*10001*10001*10001*10001 = 100 050 010 001 000 050 001 = approximately 1.000E20
i10001 = i^10001 = i
210001 = 2^10001 = (exact value too long for writeup; /msg N-Wing if you want to know the exact value) = approximately 3.99012E3010
310001 = 3^10001 = (exact value too long for writeup; /msg N-Wing if you want to know the exact value) = approximately 4.89405E4771
410001 = 4^10001 = (exact value too long for writeup; /msg N-Wing if you want to know the exact value) = approximately 1.59211E6021
510001 = 5^10001 = (exact value too long for writeup; /msg N-Wing if you want to know the exact value) = approximately 2.50618E6990
1000110001 = 10001^10001 = 10001^^2 = (exact value too long for writeup; /msg N-Wing if you want to know the exact value) = approximately 2.71841774141790738652E40004
10001st triangular number = 50 015 001 = approximately 5.001E7
10001st square number = 100 020 001 = approximately 1.000E8
10001st pentagonal number = 150 025 001 = approximately 1.500E8
10001st hexagonal number = 200 030 001 = approximately 2.000E8
10001st hex number = hex10001 = 300 030 001 = approximately 3.000E8
10001st centered square number = 200 020 001 = approximately 2.000E8
10001st hex pyramid number = 10001st cube number = 1 000 300 030 001 = approximately 1.000E12
10001st tetrahedral number = 166 766 686 667 = approximately 1.667E11
10001st truncated tetrahedral number = 3 834 033 375 001 = approximately 3.834E12
10001st square pyramidal number = 333 483 355 001 = approximately 3.334E11
10001st octahedral number = 666 866 690 001 = approximately 6.668E11
10001st stella octangula number = 2 000 600 050 001 = approximately 2.000E12
10001st body-centered cube number = 2 000 300 030 001 = approximately 2.000E12
10001st truncated octahedral number = 16 001 500 060 001 = approximately 1.600E13
10001st rhombic dodecahedral number = 4 000 600 040 001 = approximately 4.000E12
10001st pentatope number = 417 083 479 187 501 = approximately 4.170E14
= NTQ ("letter outline" / "spreadsheet/database column number")
= ten thousand one (English (American and British))
= one zero zero zero one (English digits)
= 10 0111 0001 00012 = 10 0111 0001 0001 base 2 (binary)
= 1112011023 = 111201102 base 3
= 234218 = 23421 base 8 (octal)
= 595512 = 5955 base 12
= 271116 = 2711 base 16 (hexadecimal, "hex")
= 7PT36 = 7PT base 36
= (2) (46) (41) base 60
= 1010001 = 10 base 10001
number information generator: author N-Wing; version; updated: 2001.01.17.n3
information about 10001 generated on January 17, 2001 at 1:18:58 AM EST; took 28.390 seconds