Wow. Just... wow. If you're a fat person and you just read that, I am SO sorry. I understand. I was the sick kid. It never mattered that I was good at math or computers. That I made up cool stories or had a job. Nobody ever cared about my art, singing, or sculpture. I was just the sick kid. anytime I accomplished something or made something cool there was always some asshole there to remind me that, being sick was the only thing that mattered about me. It's a sad story mired in generational abuse, blah blah blah, but don't worry... at the end of it I get back on my feet and end up with a awesome wife, kid, and family. Also our dog. He's like... a rich guy's dog. Luxurious.

The world works so hard to make us fatphobic from birth. every commercial like a disgusting little maggot trying to eat into our brains. To make us all weak enough so that we buy into their stupid diet and exercise fads. You know you don't have to do any of that if you buy the right beer, right? Are you insecure enough to buy a gun yet? In this, our timeline, that looks to all others so safe it may as well have been designed by fisher price? That'll make you look super tough.

It's not really your fault if you fell for that shit. Some of the smartest people in the country, people with valuable psychiatric degrees from prestigious science universities spend their entire careers getting rich off figuring out how to convince the weakest among us to make decisions that aren't in their best interest.

Do you want to know what fat phobia would have cost me had I let the world beat me into being... well, pretty much like everyone else? Just love. My person. My wife. The angel who swept in after my divorce and prevented me from closing my heart off forever or taking my own life. The person who nursed me through one of the darkest and most hopeless period in my life. Her love for me was so strong she made me love myself. No thin person I was ever with in life was able to give that to me. Just her. Had I let the world turn me into a fatphobe, when I was in three different hospitals over the span of three months I wouldn't have had someone to visit me every day while I was sick. To take care of my mother and bring her to see me. To tell my son that I was going to be ok and that I was coming back to him.

I could get vulgar and tell you about our sex life or some of the details that make me adore her soft round body... but you get the picture. and compared to all the other stuff, honestly ,getting to live out all my sexual fantasies with a willing supportive partner is just icing on the cake.

In my experience there's really nothing more valuable or fulfilling in this life than love. I guess I should be thankful for fat phobia because otherwise a sick worthless wretch such as myself never could have scored such a bodacious, bad-ass, goddess of a wife. I feel sorry for any of her exes that underestimated her or rejected her because of their own pathetic insecurities. You all missed out on a shining star of a human. A person who would have had your back when the shit hit the fan. Someone worthy of following into battle. So... thanks? I guess?

Another thing, and this is true about both myself and my wife, if a person has love, space, support and complete absence of pressure they have a lot more capacity to change the shape of their body. If you're a person trying to lose weight it helps if you know you're already beautiful and worthy of love.

One final note. if you're a person who proudly holds fat phobic views... that's fine. people are allowed to believe what the want to believe. But if, in my presence, (Imagine some naive imbecile invites the entire internet over for a party and we're both there or something) you were to state said views in such a way that is hurtful or disrespectful to my wife... don't worry. she'd still protect you from me. That's how fucking good she is.