You ought to feel something when someone you know dies, but tonight I read in an acquaintance's LJ that somebody I knew in Minnesota fandom had recently died in her sleep, and it affected me no more and no less than reading about the floods in Vietnam. Which is to say, not at all. I wasn't very close to the woman in question; we only met a few times and probably "talked" more on LJ than we did in real life.

Which was fine with me. She wasn't all there, probably as a result of doing seriously excessive quantities of mind-bending chemicals in her youth, and had some ideas about family and relationships that, frankly, creeped me out. That doesn't happen very often, but she managed it, all the while smiling and thinking she was making me happy with the suggestion that we were related through my ex-wife's new husband somehow. (Ew.)

I doubt I'm going to lose any sleep over this, or even think about it much once I close this writeup, but I thought I ought to make this note for myself. Just in case.