It's Thursday and I've had a week to process my feelings following my first day in shul. In addition I've been collecting a list of books that I want, and need to read to help in my spiritual understanding. Moving along from Neitzsche and Jung, philosophy and psychology, I'm now more intersted in Jewish life, spirituality and understanding. If anyone has any recommendations in that area, I'd gladly hear them. If you have a book you'd want me to read that would benefit me, I'm all ears. I have a few on my Amazon Wish List, of course, and I will get to them as I can afford them (unless you're feeling gracious enough to buy them for me).

My biggest struggle is going to be dealing with the idea of a god again. For over twenty years, since leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses I've grown accustomed to agnosticism and general distrust of organised religion. I find this changing now, and I need to make adjustments to my thinking, in addition to learning a new language, new Laws and rituals. I find myself liking the idea of joining a Jewish congregation for many reasons, not limited to having structure in my life again and feeling a sense of spiritual purpose (which had been lacking for a looong time!) I've written quite a bit about that here over the years but had struggled to come to terms with one thing that I could use to hold my spiritual self together (My bit in Discordian Calendar clearly demonstrates my scattered thinking). I believe that Judaism may hold the key to this, and am going to continue to learn and contribute in that arena. Meanwhile I'm happy to have an excuse to shine my shoes and put on a pressed pair of trousers once a week to join a bunch of people celebrating not mourning their religion. Learning will follow.

Healthwise, I'm doing okay, although I'm not yet back to work full time but not for health reasons. My boss has not yet called for me to return to two of the markets, so I'm down to one-a-week. I admit that this is putting a strain on my finances and whilst I have some savings, it's only a small pot and I need more work. The loss is more than financial. Market has been so much a part of my life for years that I'm feeling lost without it. I miss it, the social interaction, being outdoors, getting exercise and fresh air. Setting up the market stand is a vigorous workout and exactly what I need to build my strength and health. I don't want either another stroke nor a cardiovascular event.

In other news, the current coffee poll has produced pretty much what I expected.

Automatic drip machine  15  	24.59%
Espresso machine 	 6  	9.84%
Manual pour-over 	 3  	4.92%
Aeropress 	         2  	3.28%
Vacuum pot 	         0  	0.00%
Percolator 	         2  	3.28%
Moka pot 	         2  	3.28%
Vietnamese phin 	 0  	0.00%
Cowboy coffee   	 0  	0.00%
Instant, in a mug 	 5  	8.20%
Something else  	 5  	8.20%
Don't drink it at home 	 7  	11.48%
Tea!            	 13  	21.31%
None of the above 	 1  	1.64%

Two people pointed out that I'd neglected to include the French Press, an absurd oversight on my part, for which many apologies. So we can add two French press users to the above, which seems about right.
Automatic drip machine 	15	23.81%
Espresso machine 	6	9.52%
Manual pour-over 	3	4.76%
Aeropress 	        2	3.17%
Vacuum pot 	        0	0.00%
French Press	        2	3.17%
Percolator 	        2	3.17%
Moka pot 	        2	3.17%
Vietnamese phin 	0	0.00%
Cowboy coffee         	0	0.00%
Instant, in a mug 	5	7.94%
Something else	        5	7.94%
Don't drink it at home 	7	11.11%
Tea! 	               13	20.63%
None of the above 	1	1.59%
Total	63	

In my view, the poll is done now, mauler can change it out now. I'm still open to more writeups on coffee, so if you have requests to cover a topic please do let me know. I just procured a new Aeropress and will be experimenting more with that over the weeks. My drafts list includes some Linux/Open Source programs and discussions, again let me know if you'd like me to cover a topic in that sphere. Written today, Pungenday 29th day of Bueraucracy, YOLD 3190.

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