I wanted to see, or at least tape, the Tournament of Roses Parade. Instead, I went to church, and hung out with my mother. Only so much a goddess can do...

Tr_ue dating service won't take me, because I was convicted of "domestic violence" (which consisted of kissing my partner when he threatened violence). For this I still have to stand 9 months parole... For drinking in excess I only can say that I feel it's passed a peak that I've reached several times before.

I used to smoke pot. Every day, to certain instructive states of mind. I used to take (Note, I do not say "do". "Do" is what you do to certain bodily parts with your mouth.) cocaine. I used to smoke it, in fact, turning me from a "cocaine abuser" into a "crack cocaine user", the difference, apparently, between Mick Jagger and G. G. Allin. Then, I decided I needed antidepressants. Large mistake. Make Scientologist jokes if you must, but after a few months, I felt as if I was simply being tamed, by virtue of having to take drugs doled out by the State. I got off them, as I did the first two "addictions", though this was much more painful. It also made me want to drink a lot, and to do so in a manner that was destructive. I was also boastful, and contemptuous of State-supported drug users...and there's where the Meyer Brothers stepped in.

Long story short, they tried to humble me. Short story long, my Dickensian story has reached other ears. Internally, I'm now in the position of having to de-alcolize myself, to "bouvez moins mais meilleur" on my own. And find a job. And deal with my family, and find a family of my own. And this is what I want this year.