Sage - Salvia officinalis

Sage is a shrubby perennial plant which is commonly cultivated as a kitchen herb. It has a square stem with fine hairs, and which is quite woody at the base. The downy leaves are oblong in shape. The plant flowers in June and July.

Sage is antihydrotic, antispasmodic and astringent. It is best known for the reduction of perspiration, which takes effect about 2 hours after taking a tea or tincture and lasts up to several days. The tea can also be used to stop the flow of breast milk after weaning. It can be used to treat nervous conditions, trembling, depression and vertigo. It is also useful for diarrhea, gastritis and enteritits. An infusion when used as a gargle can treat sore throats, laryngitis and tonsilitis. Taken internally, it will reduce mucous congestion in the respiratory passages and the stomach. The fresh crushed leaves are a treatment for insect bites.

Extended or excessive use of this herb can cause symptoms of poisoning. Sage should not be taken during pregnancy.