Yui-no is a traditional Japanese ceremony where the parents of an engaged couple meet, have dinner, and exchange gifts. Usually they meet on a lucky day in the almanac. The main gifts exchanged are an obi (sash for kimono) given to the bride-to-be, and a hakama (skirt-like pants) given to the groom-to-be.

Then other gifts will be presented:
Naga-Noshi: A decoration made from abalones, which used to be very important in trading in Japan. Given to show sincere wishes of gift-giver.

Mokuroku : A list of all the gifts being given.

Katsuo-bushi : Dried bonito, used for making soup base or can be eaten alone. And very tasty, I might add. Especially if salted and rolled in seaweed...mmm.

Surume : Dried cuttlefish. This and the katsuo-bushi are symbolic of quality that lasts.

Konbu : Seaweed or kelp knots. Symbolic of strong breeding, wishes for a large family.

Shiraga : Hemp fibers symbolic of ties and cooperation in marriage. Spelled phonetically it also means "white hair", wishing for the couple to grow old together.

Suehiro : A fan, a symbol of happiness and expanding horizons.

Yanagi-daru : A wine cask. Money may be given in its place, if sake wine is wished.

A small gift of money is usually exchanged as well, along with a list of all family members.
(Thanks to http://mothra.rerf.or.jp for some info, and to Kenji Yokohama for detailed cultural info)