"Technoviking" is the title of an internet video currently in popular circulation depicting what appears to be a white European leading a group of ravers down a street in Berlin in a procession that has been identified as the Fuck Parade, an annual techno demonstration that was developed in response to the restriction of music and commercialization of the Love Parade, also a demonstration of music.

Technoviking also refers to the individual in the foreground of this particular video, who may very well be a Norwegian as he sports a braided goatee and actually does kind of look like a viking. He is noted for having a rather muscular physique and for having some pretty bad dance moves, if you think raving is good dancing (I am of the opinion that it is because I can only wish I could flagellate like this guy can). He is also popular for the hardcore persona he adopts in the video, as he grabs one particularly rowdy guy and apparently tells him to cut that shit out though we are never really sure what's going on between them.

Common responses to the video generally range from, "this is cool," "this is pointless," and "i have no idea what i just saw but i liked it," or its corollary, "i can never unsee this." It is a rather bizarre clip, but something about Technoviking's jam out and the intoxicating rave music is magnetic.

It is an interesting study of a character who clearly takes himself too seriously, but for some reason we like him too much to ridicule him with malice. Instead we embrace his virtues; he looks hard, he can dance a lot better than we can, and to be honest with you I do like this music on a caveman level.

Technoviking doesn't keep the beat, the beat TRIES to keep technoviking


